The Parent Coach

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School Holidays

School holidays can be a time of warm endless days rolling into the night, filled with good times sharing the great outdoors…. or…..very long days negotiating what to do, how to do it and trying to remain cool, despite the outside temperature!

We need to face reality. Not every day will be a great day! But, with a little planning and setting some family ground rules, we can anticipate lots of good days.

To begin, ask each family member, ( parents too) what special activity they would like to do over the school holidays. The family needs to decide whether this is possible (is it realistic and affordable) and can it happen (what plans need to be made). Then, the negotiation begins and the responsibilities of each family member outlined to make the activity a reality. This is a very important step because if each family member has ownership of their role and responsibility, (and of course this is aligned to their developmental age and capability) then everyone knows what they have to do. Behavioural expectations and boundaries are clearly set. This will minimise (hopefully!) the arguments and disagreements about holiday activities.

Day to day can be a bit challenging but we need to remember that children need unscheduled time. It encourages development of their imagination and inner resourcefulness to overcome their boredom. Some parents are a bit fearful of having nothing for the kids so, if you like, create a “box for boredom” that might contain old sheets for a cubby, dress ups, an assortments of pencils, crayons, different types of paper, scissors, glue for craft and anything else you think your children might like.

Summer time is perfect to be outdoors and there are so many parks and gardens in and around us to explore. Pack a picnic lunch, slap on a hat, some sunscreen and away you go. The outdoors are important for our health, wellbeing and vision.

Libraries are great to visit in the school holidays and often provide free activities for children to enjoy. Art galleries and museums are free (apart from special exhibitions). Check out websites.

Self care is always important as a parent, but especially over school holidays. Coordinate activities with extended family and friends so you can co-parent. Going to a movie with the kids can be a nice break for you (provided you enjoy children rated movies!!). Hopefully you have got a few ideas and can get planning. Enjoy.


If you would like some support, get in touch.